
Post News

Important Info for Post10533 Members

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Statewide News

News & Info from your department

VA Calling for a Pause on VA-Backed Loan Foreclosures

VA has released the official guidance to mortgage servicers calling for a pause on foreclosures on VA-backed loans. VA expects that any foreclosures filed since November 17, 2023 will be put on hold, along with any other in-process or upcoming foreclosures on VA-backed loans. The foreclosure process will be paused for these Veterans through May 31, 2024, giving additional time to these veterans to find solutions to stay in their homes. Veterans who are struggling with VA-backed mortgage payments can visit the VA Housing Assistance website https://www.va.gov/housing-assistance/ or call VA at 877-827-3702 for assistance.

VA Mail Order Pharmacy During Holiday Season

A reminder to our veterans that VA is focused on ensuring prescriptions are delivered in a timely manner throughout the holidays.

National News

Important info from National VFW

VFW Wishes America's Guardians a Happy 5th Birthday

WASHINGTON - On Dec. 20, the Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) joins together with our grateful nation in celebrating the fifth birthday of the newest...

VFW Reflects on the 13th Anniversary of the End of Iraq War

KANSAS CITY, Mo. - On Dec. 15, the 13th anniversary of the conclusion of the U.S. mission in Iraq, the Veterans of Foreign Wars (V...